Saturday, May 29, 2010

We are intrepid, We carry on.

"So you failed. Alright, you really failed. You failed, you failed, you failed, you failed.
You think I care about that? I do understand. You wanna be really great?.. Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling." elizabethtown

Romans 8:18 "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

What if not every situation was meant to be succeeded?
Then, I guess it would depend on your definition of success. We learn to rejoice in our struggles, in turn, devaluing them from what we would even consider a "struggle".
Through every up and down that this life will surely take you through, know that you have a God that is going to see you through, until the end, no matter what.
What if this beautiful God I serve, put me directly into a in the end I would come out resembling His perfect Son?
I would surely rejoice through this momentary affliction, and taking it one step further, be grateful that He even considered to look at my life and see it worthy of such a transformation.
Be patient..see these hard times through, get all you can from them; it is in that moment, you will find success.
"If you're going to struggle, struggle well."

We all have stories. My wish is for everyone to be bold enough to share them.

Monday, May 24, 2010


"i want something that lasts forever,
you just want a quick fix.
i'm looking for something to blow my cover,
you don't wanna take a risk.
i, so this is goodbye.
i want someone that feels like home,
when you were young and ran away."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

twelve days in.

summer has officially arrived.

I think I have gotten enough sun to last me for the next 3 months..this is what I get for bringing my laziness to the beach for a couple hours (don't think an umbrella is a cure-all.)
In other news, I've been thinking a lot about my travels that are rapidly approaching. I can not wait to go out and see what's going on around me..I will be accompanied by a great friend, good tunes, great tales, and a pair of eyes full of new visions.

I would now like to personally thank the following for making my first two weeks of freedom that much better:

miike snow
andrew belle
angus and julia stone
local natives
plus many, many more :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Like you've always been.

so far, this is what my summer has consisted of. florida has been wrapping me in warm arms..followed by lazy nights. i have decided to venture into the darkest, most unseen places of my mind.. not in a mysterious or enticing way...just remembering things i have either chosen to forget, or have just gone un-attained to; even those places could use some company every once in the little while.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

a cubism dream, the most beautiful square i'd ever seen.

"It sounds like we
would of had a great deal to say
to each other
I bet when I leave
my body for the sky the wait will be worth it.
I love it all, so much I call."

Looks like my iChat will once again be in full service. Summer, I love you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

for now, i'll find sleep.

"I dim all the lights and I sink in my chair.
The smoke from my cigarette climbs through the air.
The walls of my room fade away in the blue,
And I'm deep in a dream of you"

we moved into the air with each transient breath we let escape.